Edinburgh-GridPP Monitoring

new for 2023!

FTS Monitoring

DUNE 7Day RUCIO Monitoring

DUNE UK Monitoring

GridPP XRootD Monitoring

Dev Kibana Instance

Want to get involved in the centralised XRootD monitoring for GridPP?

All that is needed is to add the following lines to your xrootd service .cfg file! (yes this even works with DPM!)

# Your sitename
all.sitename YOURSITENAME
# Tell XRootD to send monitoring metrics to us in Edinburgh
xrd.report monitoring.edi.scotgrid.ac.uk:9931 every 1m all
xrootd.monitor all auth fstat 60s lfn ops ssq xfr 1024 rnums 1 ident 1m dest fstat info redir user monitoring.edi.scotgrid.ac.uk:9930

## For XRootD 5.1+ also configure the gstream as needed
#xrootd.mongstream all use send json monitoring.edi.scotgrid.ac.uk:9931

OLD Public Monitoring Dashboards pre-2020


OLD GridPP XCache Dashboard

OLD LSST Job Monitoring Dashboard

For feedback/support, please contact:

e - mail: wlcg-support-ecdf<AT>mlist.is.ed.ac.uk